Defibrillators Save Lives

When a cardiac arrest strikes, early intervention including CPR and defibrillation gives the best chance of survival. Don’t wait, ACT


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DOC defibrillator and cardiogram

Why do you need a defibrillator?

Having a defibrillator on hand can be the difference between life and death for an employee facing sudden cardiac arrest. If a casualty is treated with a defibrillator within 3-4 minutes, there is up to a 75% chance of survival. Waiting for paramedics, who may take 8 minutes or more to arrive, reduces the chances of survival to less than 10%.

It is critical for your company to have a defibrillator readily available for usage by employees.

chart showing correlation between early intervention and survival rates after a cardiac arrest

The Complete Cardiac Protection Solution

We provide tailored solutions according to your company’s needs to protect your team and customers. Our DOC devices are user-friendly, adopting a simple design that empowers both skilled and untrained responders to use the device and deliver the treatment with confidence.

Time is Crucial.

Every minute that passes from cardiac arrest, a 10% chance of survival is lost.
Our specialists will work with you to assess your specific needs and provide you with the most effective solution.

A connected defibrillator ensures you’re ready to save a life at any time

A sim card within the DOC Go is connected to an ARC monitoring centre and the emergency services, it also gives real-time information about the AED’s location, status, and usage.

This provides you with the confidence to act in the event of an emergency because:

  • It’s always ready to go when you need it because it’s monitored remotely to ensure operational integrity.
  • You are guided through the incident start to finish, with support from the monitoring centre or 999 and the automated guidance on the defibrillator.
How it works:

When you press the button on DOC Go, it will call 999 (or any number programmed) and you will be supported by people trained to deal with medical emergencies. In addition to the emergency services operator, integrated vocal guidance assists you in using the defibrillator. DOC tells you how to place the electrodes, perform CPR and how to deliver the shock.

The DOC Go defibrillator solution is also GPS located, meaning the casualty’s position can be pinpointed in a large site which can save vital minutes when the paramedics arrive, or if the worst happens and the defibrillator is stolen, you can recover it.

Don’t wait, use a DOC defibrillator and you could save a life.

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Training Gives You the Confidence to Act

Making sure you’re always ready to save a life

When it comes to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), every second counts. That’s why it’s crucial to have defibrillators easily accessible on your premises. But even with the equipment, it can be overwhelming to know how to respond in an emergency situation. That’s where The Training Initiative comes in.

We have partnered with The Training Initiative for AED and CPR training. Their program will teach you how to remain calm and follow the chain of survival when faced with a cardiac emergency.

Having a DOC defibrillator nearby and receiving training on how to use it not only provides you with the skills and confidence to save a life, but also relieves business owners’ concerns about reliability, liability, and maintenance.


Learn more about The Training Initiative

Why choose Almas Industries for your Defibrillator Solution?

The Almas Industries Group is one of Europe’s leading developers of innovative security solutions and people protection. We know cutting-edge technologies can make your workplace safer, allowing you to run your business more efficiently. Our solutions are affordable, easy to use, with service and maintenance included.

Our Security Consultants will help you identify the best solution to protect your people.

hands icon with people showing dedicated customer support


Our engineers and consultants support our customers effectively due to their expert knowledge; they are committed to providing you safety, security and peace of mind.



heart icon being cut around, denoting care over advising a tailored solution


Almas’ cardio protection solutions deliver the level of support and service you need to protect your team and visitors to your site.



complete circle with a tick in the middle, showing complete service


We remove the burden of maintenance by giving you an end-to-end solution including service to SSAIB standards.





Solutions Installed





Here’s what our customers say about Almas:

Ready to save lives with DOC ?

Call us 0333 567 77 99 (UK) / 01 68 333 68 (IRE) or complete your details and we will get in touch to discuss your requirements so we can give you an accurate quote.

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    Or if you would prefer to speak to a security consultant




    A defibrillator is a device that delivers a high-energy electric shock to the heart of a person in cardiac arrest. This high-energy shock is known as defibrillation, and it is a life-saving intervention used in emergency situations when someone is in cardiac arrest. A defibrillator is also known as a defib, an AED (Automated External Defibrillator), or a PAD (Personal Automatic Defibrillator).

    An ECG is performed by the Defibrillator to assess whether an electric shock is necessary. The DOC will not allow you to shock someone who does not require it if it is not justified.




    Sadly too many public access defibrillators are stolen and never recovered. With DOC, the GPS location is transmitted to our remote monitoring centre so we know when a DOC is being moved and where it ends up.

    In large sites with medical departments, the GPS location can be given to help locate where the paramedics responding need to get to.




    In the case of a defibrillator failure, and when the battery or electrodes need changing, our service department will contact you to arrange a service visit so we can check and fix any issues.

    Unlike a standard defibrillator, we take responsibility for maintaining the equipment, vis-a-vis the law.




    AED’s can be placed in public places, such as schools, office buildings, and airports, so that they can be easily accessed in case of a cardiac emergency.



