Helping Nurseries with Security Solutions – Our Experience at the Expo
"We wanted to bring everyone in the Almas UK family together and recognise the whole team for their fantastic commitment and focus during the pandemic and their dedication to improving the service and delivery for our customers".
It’s been a tough couple of years as we have battled to not only keep our team and customers safe while also continuing to help our customers increase their security despite the challenges of the pandemic. We wanted to bring everyone in the Almas UK family together and recognise the whole team for their fantastic commitment and focus during the pandemic and their dedication to improving the service and delivery for our customers.
There were also a few who received a special mention!
A standout performance by Gemma who has shown dedication and a strong work ethic while much of the country was cloistered away on furlough. Gemma has strengthened relationships with our customers in her role as National Account Manager over the last year with a professional and relentless commitment to great service.
Always on hand and looking for ways in which he can help improve technical support delivery by automating processes from a technical standpoint. Ash has been instrumental in integration pieces with our partners innDex (link t), eyMan (link to) and more. In 2022 he’s focussing more on technical projects including the launch of Optima 360 in the UK which is a platform that integrates all your security solution in one place. Ash and his wife, Jayne are also expecting their first child in March.
With a constistently outstanding attitude, Keiran has set an example of how Almas’ values should be embodied. Keiran has been promoted to Head Engineer for the UK in ’22 due to his commitment and professionalism in the 5 years he’s been with the business.
Charlotte was one of a few people who worked right throughout the pandemic and she still ensured that customers received top-notch care and that the Almas service had remained at a constant level of quality despite the challenges of the pandemic. “Charlotte in the tech support team has always gone that extra mile for us and still does now for us.”
Dan moved into a Technical Account Manager role in 2020, thereby combining his commercial experience with a keen interest in how it all worked ‘technically’. He’s now focussed on making sure our customers receive mid term proactive service, but in December 2021, he stepped into a pure installation role as the pressures of Omicron meant we lost a significant amount of engineer hours to Covid. His demonstration of ‘one team’ attitude means Dan truly is deserving of the All-Star Award.
After a productive day and a fun evening, the team are back to the work at hand, keeping our Almas customer safe, secure and protected.
Contact the team at Almas Industries today to discuss biometric access control, biometric readers, or facial scanners for your business.