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Interesting poll results from our Spanish colleagues at Almas B-Safe around how employees are feeling about getting back to work and going to the office. Have your company asked your opinion or communicated as to when and why they are getting you back to the office? What Covid prevention measures do you feel are effective and necessary?
As we know, Spain and Italy were the first countries in Europe to experience the devastation that COVID-19 has brought to our everyday and working lives. It’s acknowledged that they are approximately 2-3 weeks ahead of the UK and Ireland in terms of lifting lockdown and adapting to the on-going threat of COVID-19 outbreaks in offices and other workplaces. There has been many discussions taking place around which measures should be used to help combat the virus including temperature monitoring.
Our Spanish colleagues at Almas Industries B-Safe conducted a poll of 720 office based workers to gauge their appetite for a return to the office and how concerned they were about COVID-19. Responses were also garnered about whether they felt employers should be taking precautions to keep them safe, and what those preventative measures should look like. Temperature monitoring solutions, contactless facial recognition access control and thermal cameras were popular answers.
Overwhelmingly there was a desire to get back to work, with only 53 people reluctant to return, respondents have enjoyed the flexibility of home working though with 236 saying they would like a least 1 day at home each week.
When the question was posed – would you be worried if the Government requests temperature check information from companies, only 71 were completely against it. 649 had no concerns, but 344 preferred this would be done anonymously.
685 people were in favour of testing before employees were allowed back in the office and agreed with contract tracing on the back of test results.
In terms of the duration for which these solutions should be in place, a surprisingly large number, 486 felt they should remain in place until a vaccine is available. When asked if Covid-19 prevention measures should be permanently adopted – opinion was divided. Half thought these are good precautions to protect against the threat of future pandemics, while half thought it wasn’t necessary.
Have your company asked you how you feel about going back to the office? Have you already returned to office life or are you nervous about mixing with colleagues outside your ‘bubble’?
The Almas Industries’ Group has been protecting businesses and people for over 15 years, biometric access control solutions with optional fever and mask detection solve long-term challenges around security, time and attendance while also adding protection as part of your Covid-19 risk management strategy.
Why not get in touch today to discover more about biometric access control, biometric readers, or facial scanners for your business. Call us on 01 68 333 68/ 0333 567 77 99 or drop us an email to [email protected]. It’s time to get back to work, safely.