Helping Nurseries with Security Solutions – Our Experience at the Expo
We have total control over access to the building and that’s really important in terms of security.
About the nursery
The nursery opened in 2011 and offers a wide range of childcare including. The nursery employs 23 members of childcare staff. Of these, all hold appropriate early years qualifications at level 3, including two with early years professional status. The nursery opens all year round from Monday to Friday, except for bank holidays and Christmas. The nursery provides funded early education for two-, three- and four-year-old children.
The nursery allows children to be children by providing a natural environment that is thoughtfully resourced to provide excitement, discovery and challenging experiences for all. They aim to ensure that everyone feels secure and happy in this environment which enables all children to receive the opportunity to access a learning environment that encourages children to develop independently, confidently and to become lifelong learners.
Improving security with Fingerprint Access ControlFingerprint Scanner
“It’s a great system for us as we can only let specific people into the building. There’s no one coming in who should not be here. We have total control over access to the building and that’s really important in terms of security. The parents love it because it’s easy to use. The service from Almas Industries is really good when we have had to call it always gets sorted straightway. The staff are helpful too!”